Selasa, 17 April 2012

Naruto Shippuden and Naruto Shippuden 2

Naruto Shippuden adalah game yang diambil berdasarkan komik Manga Jepang : Naruto karangan Masashi Kishimoto.Naruto Shippuden dirilis pada tahun 2007 di PlayStation2.Game ini berisi Master Mode sebagai RPG dan Hero Mode sebagai petualangan Naruto.Kemudian,Naruto merilis lagi Naruto Shippuden 2 di tahun 2007.Di kaset ini,Karakter Naruto lebih banyak dengan adanya bodyguard saat Versus battle.Adventure modenya juga mudah dimengerti gan,sudah ada petunjuk di petanya.Musounya juga bisa beragam sesuai bodyguard yang kita pilih,misalnya kita pilih Naruto dengan bodyguard Sakura,ilmunya akan berbeda dengan Naruto,bodyguardnya Sasuke.

Nah,ane mau bagi-bagi cheat beserta walkthrough game ini gan!.Cheat ane ini,cuma copas gan,hahaha via :
Enjoy! :

100,000 Yen 82%
Description: To earn 100,000 Yen from the start of a new game automatically

How to: Just have a Narutimate Hero 3 save on your memory card.

More Characters 80%
Description: You can automatically unlock all of the characters in a game

How to unlock: Just by having an NH3 saved game on your memory card. However, the following characters can only be unlocked by beating them in RPG mode: Chiyo, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, and Sasori. To unlock Yondaime, complete Hero Mode.

Play as Demon/Kyubi Characters 79%
Description: To play as stronger Demon and Kyubi forms of certain characters

How to: You 1st unlock each character in the game (including the 4th Hokage). Now, to unlock the special form of the character you want, select them from the character select screen while holding down Circle.

100,000 Yen/Bonus Characters II 79%
To start the game with 100,000 Yen and all of the Narutimate Hero 3 characters, begin a new game with Narutimate Hero 3 save data on your memory card.

Sasuke RPG Mode 79%
To unlock Sasuke RPG Mode, finish Master Mode and all associated side quests. Now, go to the room where you 1st defeated Sasuke, access the blue aura present there, and Sasuke RPG Mode will become unlocked.

Secondary Character Forms 79%
Description: Unlock the secondary form of all of the characters

How to unlock: Just beat that character in Story Mode. Now, when playing in Versus Mode, push R1 when on the character you want to use and then select that character to unlock that character�s alternate form.

Narutimate Difficulty 79%
To unlock Narutimate Difficulty, beat all of Gai's challenges in Training Grounds.

100,000 Yen/Bonus Characters 78%
To begin the game with an automatic 100,000 Yen, as well as some bonus characters already unlocked, simply start a new Story Mode using save data from the original Accel game.

Characters 76%
Description: Unlock the characters listed below, defeat the specified character(s) or event(s) in Story Mode.

ChiyoDefeat her master
Chiyo (with puppets)Defeat Sasori�s True Form
DeidaraDefeat Deidara
ItachiDefeat Itachi
KabutoDefeat Kabuto
KisameDefeat Kisame
OrochimaruDefeat Orochimaru
SaiDefeat Sai
Sasori HirukoDefeat Sasori
Sasori (True Form)Defeat Sasori�s True Form
SasukeDefeat Sasuke
YamatoDefeat Sai

Unclocked character 73%
R1 r2 l1 l2 kanan segitiga x atas atas lingkaran r3 l3

How to use Kyuubi form in fighting....(ADVENTURE MODE) 72%
Click the R3........(The analog in the right)

Easy sasuke rpg 67%
Complete the ones with the icon with two hands holding it means its a sidequest , finish it all then go to tsunade and talk about the hideout and it will be there a blue orb and return to konoha and tsunade will ask you to go back again.

Just finish master (story) mode and finish a side quest then go to the place where you first defeated sasuke when you get the blue aurua then sasuke rpg de will be unlocked.

I dont know this will work or not......but this is what I do:
I played Naruto Narutimate 3 ( Naruto Shippuden ) first....I get this character while I play that game. When I bought the new naruto game which is Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Accel 2. I am very surprise because all the character that I get in Naruto Narutimate 3 are availabe at this game. To get this character in this game.... hmmmm I don't really know.

Here is what I do:
In Naruto Narutimate 3, after finished the adventure mode, meet iruka at one of the house at Konoha Village, then answer all his question. There are 10 question at all. After that, go to the school building where you will meet Konohamaru. Again, answer all his 10 question. When you answer all those question correctly, Yondaime is unlocked. Anyway, good luck

After finishing the whole game than go to the character screen than press R1 and L1 than click square,square,triangle,triangle,circle,realise L1 than continouwasly click square,circle,than press start than click square and circle than you will hear a sound than tobi will suddenly appear
Cukup sekian dari ane gan,untuk mengetahui combo dan jurus masing2 karakter,klik link ini aja :
Dan untuk Review Videonya di YouTube just click :


Contoh Musou : Sasori dan Deidara
Versus Mode
Adventure Mode
Preview Games

Zhang Liao

Zhang Liao's portrait
Zhang Liao adalah pejuang veteran yang membela Wei pimpinan Cao Cao.Zhang Liao lahir pada tahun 169.Ia memulai perjuangannya dengan menjadi prajurit Dong Zhuo.Ia ikut dalam pertempuran di Hu Lao Gate melawan pasukan Yuan Shao dan sekutunya.Namun,Hu Lao Gate dapat direbut setelah Lu Bu melarikan diri bersama Zhang Liao,Diao Chan dan prajuritnya.Dong Zhuo yang bingung dna ketakutan akan musuh yang berhasil menembus gerbang Hu Lao Gate,ia pun melarikan diri ke Shi Shui Gate.Tetapi,di sana ia dibunuh oleh Lu Bu.

Lu Bu pun diusir bersama Zhang Liao,Diao Chan dan prajuritnya ke Xia Pi.Di saat itu,Lu Bu diserang pasukan Cao Cao dan Liu Bei yang besar.Zhang Liao mengikuti keinginan Lu Bu untuk tidak menyerah dengan cepat.Pertempuran itu dimenangkan oleh Cao Cao,sehingga Lu Bu dan Zhang Liao ditangkap sedangkan Diao Chan dan Chen Gong terbunuh dalam pertarungan.Beberapa tahun kemudian Lu Bu meninggal.Zhang Liao yang kehilangan gurunya,ikut dalam kelompok Wei dan dalam sesaat ia sudah menjadi Jenderal Wei.

Zhangliao-dw5artwork.jpgZhang Liao membantu Cao Cao meloloskan diri dari kejaran musuh setelah ia kalah di Chi Bi.Cao Cao pun berhasil lolos ke He Fei.Namun,beberapa hari kemudian,armada Wu datang dengan jumlah yang besar.Cao Cao pun panik mendengar hal itu.Namun,atas suruhan penasehatnya,Xun Yu dan ahli strateginya Jia Xu,ia tetap mempertahankan He Fei dari Wu.Di saat itu,Zhang Liao mengeluarkan rencananya dengan menghancurkan Jembatan Xiao Shi dan langsung menyerang ke arah Sun Quan.Dalam pertempuran itu,Zhang Liao yang paling ditakuti karena ia membunuh lebih dari 1000 musuh.Ling Tong berhasil menyelamatkan nyawa Sun Quan untuk kabur,sementara itu,pasukan Wu di garis depan di jebak oleh tentara Wei yang bersembunyi di depan dan di belakang jembatan.Cao Cao memenangkan pertempuran He Fei.

Semenjak itu,Zhang Liao dijuluki sebagai salah satu dari 5 Jenderal Terkuat Wei.Ia meninggal karena sakit pada tahun 222.

Pole BladeZhangliao-dw5weapon1.jpgThis is Zhang Liao's starting weapon.Weapon Attack: 4
  • Number of Attacks: 4
Great BladeZhangliao-dw5weapon2.jpgWeapon Attack: 8
  • Number of Attacks: 5
Blue WyvernZhangliao-dw5weapon3.jpgWeapon Attack: 12
  • Number of Attacks: 6
Gold WyvernZhangliao-dw5weapon4.jpgThis is Zhang Liao's fourth and ultimate weapon. Its stats are as follows:Weapon Attack: 36
Weight: Medium
Life +17
Attack +17
Fill +15
Horse +18
Luck +15

  • Number of Attacks: 6

Senin, 16 April 2012

Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang's portrait
Zhuge Liang lahir pada tahun 181.Ia mengabdi kepada Liu Bei sebagai ahli strateginya saat ia bertemu di Chang Ban.Ia yang pertama kali membagi satu dinasti Cina menjadi 3 Dinasti.Ia dijuluki "The Sleeping Dragon" karena kecerdasannya.Zhuge Liang menikah dengan seorang putri dari kerajaan di Jing bernama,Yue Ying.Dengan Yue Ying,Zhuge Liang dapat membuat rencananya lancar karena kreativitas Yue Ying yang mahir membuat peralatan apapun.

Zhuge Liang ikut dalam pertempuran di Chi Bi.Sebelumnya,ia ditantang Zhou Yu untuk mengumpulkan 10.000 panah dalam 10 hari.Namun,Zhuge Liang minta hanya 3 hari.Ia pergi bersama Han Sui dengan beberapa kapal yang diluarnya dipasangai boneka jerami yang banyak.Mereka pergi ke pelabuhan angkatan laut Cao Cao.Saat itu,cuaca sedang berkabut,jadi musuh belum tau di dalam kapal itu ada apa.Cao Cao memerintahkan jenderalnya untuk memanahi mereka.Sedikit demi sedikitpun panah terkumpul,akhirnya Zhuge Liang dapat memenuhi tantangan Zhou Yu.

Zhuge Liang's artwork in DW5
Ia pun ikut bersama pasukan Wu pimpinan Sun Quan menyerang armada Wei di Chi Bi.Zhuge Liang membantu dengan memanggil angin utara untuk memperbesar api di kapal Cao Cao.Wei pun terkalahkan dan Cao Cao melarikan diri.Singkat cerita,saudara Liu Bei,Guan Yu dan Zhang Fei terbunuh dalam pertempuran di Fan Castle.Liu Bei sangat marah dan ingin menyerang Wu,namun Zhuge Liang menasehatinya,untuk menyerang Wei lebih baik.Nasihat Zhuge Liang tidak didengar Liu Bei yang sedang marah.Liu Bei menyerang pasukan Wu di Yi Ling dengan armada yang besar.Zhuge Liang datang membantu Liu Bei untuk melarikan diri ke dalam maze setelah kamp depan Liu Bei terbakar.Shu memenangkan pertarungan ini,namun Sun Quan melarikan diri.

Semenjak itu,Liu Bei sakit keras hingga meninggal.Zhuge Liang mengambil alih sementara tahta Shu sebagai perdana menteri.Zhuge Liang memimpin pasukan Shu ke selatan untuk menginvasi Nan Zhong.Daerah itu dapat dikuasainya,kemudian ia melanjutkan pertempuran ke Tian Shui,Chen Chang,dan terakhir Wu Zhang Plains.Tempat tersebut telah ditakdirkan sebagai pertempuran terakhir Zhuge Liang.Saat ia meninggal dalam keadaan sakit di Wu Zhang Plains ditandai dengan bintang jatuh.Jiang Wei pun memegang alih Shu dan berhasil memukul mundur Wei walaupun,Shu kalah telak.

Zhuge Liang,ahli strategi Shu,perdana menteri pertama Shu dan jenderal pembagi 3 Negara,telah meninggal di tahun 234 karena sakit keras.

War FanZhugeliang-dw5weapon1.jpgThis is Zhuge Liang's starting weapon.Weapon Attack: 2
  • Number of Attacks: 4
Warlord FanZhugeliang-dw5weapon2.jpgWeapon Attack: 6
  • Number of Attacks: 5
White FeatherZhugeliang-dw5weapon3.jpgWeapon Attack: 10
  • Number of Attacks: 6
Peacock FeatherZhugeliang-dw5weapon4.jpgThis is Zhuge Liang's fourth and ultimate weapon. Its stats are as follows:Weapon Attack: 32
Weight: Medium
Charge +18
Bow +15
Musou +20
Fill +15
Defense +18

  • Number of Attacks: 6

Dynasty Warriors Walkthorugh

Dynasty Warriors adalah games peperangan yang bercerita tentang Romance of the Three Kingdom yang dibuat oleh Koei dan Omega Force.Dynasty Warriors bercerita tentang Zaman 3 Negara di Cina ( Three Kingdoms ) yaitu Shu,Wei,dan Wu.Dynasty Warriors merilis gamenya di PlayStation,bernama Dynasty Warriors.Jalan ceritanya masih sederhana,dan pertarungannya pun masih dalam 2D,Trailer DW liat aja di link ini via YouTube :

Lanjut ke Dynasty Warriors 2 yang dirilis bersamaan dengan munculnya PlayStation 2.Grafiknya masih sederhana,namun ada kemajuan dari Dynasty Warriors.Berlanjut,Koei & Omega Force menciptakan Dynasty Warriors 3,4,5,dan 6.Karakternya sudah bagus dengan grafik 3D,dan juga jalan ceritanya lengkap dan juga bonus Edit opening serta Edit Character.Nah,yang terbaru lagi nih gan,Dynasty Warriors telah merilis Dynasty Warriors 7 ( Strikeforce) di PlayStation 3.Ini seperti petualangan di Game Online Komputer dan karakternya bisa berubah menjadi mode Furry yang keren.Cepetan beli gan,biar bisa ngerasain serunya peperangan ala Three Kingdoms di PS3.

Di sini,ane mau ngebahas cara Unlock Character dan 4th Weapon, di DW5 :
Sorry gan,ane cuma copas via : ENJOY *__*
Screenshot Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce PS3

  • All Wu Generals (Japanese version)At the title screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Down(2), Up, Right, Left(2), Right, Up, Down, Square, Circle, X to unlock all Wu Generals. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a sword.
  • Play as Cao CaoSuccessfully complete the game with any four Wei officers to unlock Cao Cao.
  • Play as Cao RenSuccessfully complete the game with Cao Pi to unlock Cao Ren.
  • Play as Da QiaoSuccessfully complete the game with Sun Ce to unlock Da Qiao.
  • Play as Diao ChanSuccessfully complete the game with Lu Bu to unlock Diao Chan.
  • Play as Dong ZhuoSuccessfully complete the game with Diao Chan to unlock Dong Zhuo.
  • Play as Gan NingSuccessfully complete the game with Ling Tong to unlock Gan Ning.
  • Play as Guan PingSuccessfully complete the game with Guan Yu to unlock Guan Ping.
  • Play as Huang GaiSuccessfully complete the game with any three Wu officers to unlock Huang Gai.
  • Play as Jiang WeiSuccessfully complete any three Shu Story modes to unlock Jiang Wei.
  • Play as Lu BuSuccessfully complete the game with one officer from Shu, Wu and Wei to unlock Lu Bu.
  • Play as Lu MengSuccessfully complete the game with Gan Ning to unlock Lu Meng.
  • Play as Liu BeiSuccessfully complete the game with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to unlock Liu Bei. Alternately, successfully complete Musou mode with four Shu characters.
  • Play as Meng HuoDefeat Meng Huo each time that he appears during the Nanman Campaign to unlock Meng Huo. Alternately, successfully complete the game with Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun in Musou mode.
  • Play as Pang DeSuccessfully complete the game with Ma Chao to unlock Pang De.
  • Play as Pang TongSuccessfully complete the game with any three Shu officers to unlock Pang Tong.
  • Play as Sima YiSuccessfully complete the game with any Wei officer to unlock Sima Yi.
  • Play as Sun CeSuccessfully complete the game with Sun Quan to unlock Sun Ce.
  • Play as Sun JianSuccessfully complete the game with Sun Ce, Sun Quan, and Sun Shang Xiang to unlock Sun Jian. Alternately, successfully complete the game with Zhou Tai to unlock Sun Jian quickly.
  • Play as Wei YanSuccessfully complete the game with Huang Zhong to unlock Wei Yan.
  • Play as Xiahou YuanSuccessfully complete the game with Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao to unlock Xiahou Yuan. Alternately, play half the character's Musou mode.
  • Play as Xiao QiaoSuccessfully complete the game with Zhou Yu to unlock Xiao Qiao.
  • Play as Xu HuangSuccessfully complete the game with any three Wei officers to unlock Xu Huang.

  • Play as Yuan ShaoSuccessfully complete Cao Cao's Musou mode to unlock Yuan Shao.
  • Play as Yue YingSuccessfully complete the game with Zhuge Liang to unlock Yue Ying.
  • Play as Zhang HeSuccessfully complete the game with any two Wei officers to unlock Zhang He.
  • Play as Zhang JiaoSuccessfully complete Liu Bei's, Sun Jian's, and Cao Cao's Musou modes to unlock Zhang Jiao.
  • Play as Zhou TaiSuccessfully complete the game with any Wu officer to unlock Zhou Tai.
  • Play as Zhu RongSuccessfully complete the game with Meng Huo to unlock Zhu Rong.
  • Play as Zhuge LiangSuccessfully complete the game with any Shu officer to unlock Zhuge Liang.
  • Play as Zuo CiUnlock all other characters in the game to unlock Zuo Ci. Alternately, play half the character's Musou mode.

  • Cao Cao's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Xia Pi on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Gao Shun before you get the message that he is guarding the dam. You can get the message that he has begun guarding the dam, but you must defeat him quickly after that. Then, just defeat Zhang Liao. The precious item box will show up outside the castle just outside the south gate. Because defeating Gao Shun makes the castle be flooded, you must to go in the castle from the north gate and go through to the south gate. Then, just attack Lu Bu. You do not need to defeat him; if you do not defeat him fast enough, he will get bored and run, then and his troops will turn on him and capture him, making you win the stage all the same.
  • Cao Pi's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains on the hard difficulty setting. It is better to do this in Musou Mode than in Free Mode. Wu Zhang Plains is a five-star battle, but in Cao Pi's Musou Mode it is only his fourth stage. Thus, if you do this in Musou Mode the difficulty will be lowered somewhat. First, defeat any three generals (not sub-generals) quickly. The ones that all grouped in the center make good fodder, as except for Wei Yan they are all generic. Once you kill three generals, Zhuge Liang will pass away. Continue fighting normally. At this point it would be a good idea to seal the enemy's supply route over to the east. Soon you will see an event where Jiang Wei lays a group of automatic crossbows on the central platform. Now all you have to do is get up there and break all of them. There will also be juggernauts floating around, not to mention archer towers -- be careful. Once you have destroyed all single automatic crossbows, the precious item box will conveniently appear in the middle of that central platform. Pick it up and finish the stage to earn your fourth weapon.
  • Cao Ren's fourth weaponPlay Escape From Chi Bí on the hard difficulty setting. Your task is to defeat all enemy reinforcements quickly. This means that you should be able to defeat the reinforcement before Cao Cao's own reinforcement says something along the lines of "Go on first, I'll take care of things here!". You do not need to worry about sub-generals; just get each major general as they show up. After you defeat Guan Ping, immediately go south, as Sun Quan will show up in the southeast. Once you defeat Sun Quan, the precious item box will show up in the little nook between where Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei appeared. Grab the item, then go up and defeat Liu Bei to help Cao Cao escape.
  • Da Qiao's fourth weaponPlay the Battle of Xia Kou on the hard difficulty setting. You must defeat Cai Mao and Gan Ning before Ling Tong is defeated. Go up the left side first; Gan Ning will appear almost immediately and kill Ling Cao, which will prompt Ling Tong to charge. Gan Ning is in hyper mode for this battle -- be careful. Luckily, you will have Huang Gai and Ling Tong also keeping him busy. Then, just go to the center section and defeat Cai Mao, who is nowhere near as difficult. The precious item box appears just north of Cai Mao's position.
  • Dian Wei's fourth weaponPlay the Battle of Wan Castle on the hard difficulty setting. First, rendezvous with Cao Cao. Then, lead him to the escape gates, defeating enemies and generals (there will be two of them) along the way. Once Cao Cao leaves the castle and you get the event where Dian Wei stays behind to block the gates, the hard part begins. You must not let a single enemy past the gates until you get the message that Cao Cao's escape is in progress. This usually happens after you have defeated five or six troop leaders (the generic enemies with names over their heads). Be careful, as the troop leaders tend to ignore you and just run straight past you. Once you get the message, the precious item box will appear slightly in front of you. At this point it does not matter if you let people past the gates (let too many and you lose the stage though), so go pick it up.
  • Diao Chan's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Xia Pi with Lu Bu's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat all the officers including sub-officers before Cao Cao arrives without any ally officer dying.
  • Dong Zhuo's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Liang Province with Dong Zhuo's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Take the east and west bases, then defeat Ma Chao and Pang De.
  • Gan Ning's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Xia Kou with Huang Zu's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Ling Cao and Ling Tong within two minutes from the start of the stage.
  • Guan Ping's fourth weaponPlay Escape From Chi Bi with the Allied forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat all officers, not including sub-officers. Note: Make sure you personally kill all the officers.
  • Guan Yu's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Fan Castle with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Cao Ren's sub officers before the flood attack. The weapon report appears after the flood attack.
  • Huang Gai's fourth weaponPlay the Yellow Turban Rebellion with the Han forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill all the officers and sub officers outside of the fort that Zhang Jiao is in.
  • Huang Zhong's fourth weaponPlay the Battle of Mt. Ding Jun with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He before Cao Cao arrives. The weapon report will show up when Cao Cao appears.
  • Jiang Wei's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Tian Shui with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Wait until the first two forts fall and sometime after that until Ma Zun retreats. An ambush party will appear in the northeast. Defeat the officer. An item report will be in the northwest of the map. Ma Zun will not escape because he will get lost and run towards Zhuge Liang.
  • Ling Tong's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of He Fei with the Wu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Zhang Liao each time he appears. A valuable item message will appear. The item is on the wall of the castle surrounding Cao Cao.
  • Liu Bei's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Yi Ling with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Ling Tong, Gan Ning, Lu Xun, and Sun Shang Xiang. Kill Sun Shang Xiang quickly; when you meet her an intermission sequence will begin and she will run away.
  • Lu Bu's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chang Shan with the Yuan Shao's forces on the hard difficulty setting and get 1,000 kills.
  • Lu Meng's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Fan Castle with the Wu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Make Mi Fang and Fu Shi Ren surrender. Then, go to the gate where it says that the reinforcements cannot come because of the guard captain there. Kill the guard captain and in a minute Xu Huang will arrive. When Zhang Fei and his sub-officer arrives, kill them both. If Xu Huang, Mi Fang, and Fu Shi Ren lived, you will get White Tiger.
  • Lu Xun's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Bai Di Castle with the Wu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Ma Chao and Jiang Wei before you enter the castle.
  • Ma Chao's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Tong Gate with the Allied forces on the hard difficulty setting. Knock Cao Cao off his horse before he crosses the Yellow River.
  • Meng Huo's fourth weaponPlay the Conquest Of Nan Zhong with Meng Huo's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Wei Yan, Huang Zhong, and Yue Ying before any of your officers defect to Shu.
  • Pang De's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Mt. Ding Jun with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Guan Ping before Cao Cao gets there.
  • Pang Tong's fourth weaponPlay The Invasion Of Nan Zhong with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Make the bridge over the poison marsh work, the juggernaut unit work, and the bomb task unit work. When the task unit arrives make sure you kill Wu Tugu before he kills the task leaders.
  • Sima Yi's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chen Cang Castle with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Eliminate the three bases at the bottom of the map that produce the rams, siege ramps, and catapults before they do any damage.
  • Sun Ce's fourth weaponPlay The Trials Of Sun Ce on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat all of the Yu Ji Phantoms and at least 50 troops.
  • Sun Jian's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Si Shui Gate with the Allied forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Lu Bu within five minutes of his arrival.
  • Sun Quan's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chi Bi with the Allied forces on the hard difficulty setting. Make all three strategies succeed (the bridges, the wind, and the fire).
  • Sun Shang Xiang's fourth weaponPlay the Invasion Of Nan Zhong with the Wu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Rescue Sun Quan after he is ambushed, then defeat all officers.
  • Taishi Ci's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Wu Territory with the Allied forces on the hard difficulty setting. When Sun Quan gets ambushed in the west fort, kill him before Zhou Tai meets up with him. Then, defeat Zhou Tai.
  • Wei Yan's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chen Cang Castle with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill all four defense captains in the castle.
  • Xiahou Dun's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Fan Castle with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Guan Ping before the flood attack.
  • Xiahou Yuan's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chi Bi with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Prevent the destruction of the bridges (the wind and the fire). To do this. defeat Pang Tong, Zhuge Lang, and Huan Gai.
  • Xiao Qiao's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Jing Province with Sun Jian's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Cai Mao and Lu Gong before Sun Jian gets ambushed and shot with an arrow.
  • Xing Cai's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Bai Di Castle with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Let your health be yellow. liu Chan will try to meet with you; let him. After you meet him, rescue the peasant army near the bottom left of the map. Note: You should probably help Liu Chan back to the castle so that he does not get killed.
  • Xu Huang's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chang Ban with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Guan Yu and Zhang Fei after Liu Qi's navy fleet arrives.
  • Xu Zhu's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Tong Gate with Cao Cao's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Ma Chao and Pang De before Han Sui has a chance to defect to Wei.
  • Yuan Shao's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Guan Du with Yuan Shao's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Force the east and west walls of Guan Du Castle to open. To do this you must defeat all enemy generals. Try to kill Guan Yu before he kills Yan Liang.
  • Yue Ying's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Deng Ai before he sets up the catapults.
  • Zhang Fei's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Chang Ban with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Immediately kill Wen Pin, Xiahou Dun, and Xiahou En. The weapon will be on the Chang Ban bridge.
  • Zhang He's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Jie Ting with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Surround Ma Su. Kill Gao Xiong and Wang Ping and seal the checkpoints by them. Kill the guard captain in the base Ma Su is in, then defeat Ma Su.
  • Zhang Jiao's fourth weaponPlay the Yellow Turban Rebellion with the Yellow Turbans on the hard difficulty setting. Make the rock slide work and brainwash Sun Jian's and Cao Cao's units without any of your officers dying.
  • Zhang Liao's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of He Fei with the Wei Forces on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat at least nine generals and lots of troops. Try to defeat Pan Zhang and his sub-officers at the beginning. Try to kill Lu Meng and his sub-officers. When you get done killing his sub-officers, the bride will probably collapse and he will run to the main camp. Do not chase after him if he has a lot of life. Kill him if he has only a little life, then run up to Taishi Ci and Zhu Zi. Eliminate them and their sub-officers. Make sure you kill a lot of troops.
  • Zhao Yun's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Cheng Du with Liu Bei's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Try to wipe out the south castle of enemies. eventually a valuable item message will appear. It is acceptable to defeat the officer and the peasants in the castle.
  • Zhen Ji's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of He Fei Castle with the Wei forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill 300 enemies and go to Cao Pi. An intermission sequence should show Zhen Ji killing people. A valuable item message should appear after the movie.
  • Zhou Tai's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Yi Ling with the Wu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Zhao Yun before Zhu Ran initiates the fire attack. Then, make the fire attack succeed.
  • Zhou Yu's fourth weaponPlay the Battle For Wu Territory with Sun Ce's forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Yan Baihu and Wang Lang.
  • Zhu Rong's fourth weaponPlay the Invasion Of Nan Zhong with the Nanman forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Jiang Quin and Gan Ning without the bridge being destroyed.
  • Zhuge Liang's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Tian Shui with the Shu forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Xiahou Mao and Cui Lang. When Jiang Wei says he must return to the castle, kill him before he reaches it.
  • Zuo Ci's fourth weaponPlay the Battle Of Hu Lao Gate with the allied forces on the hard difficulty setting. Kill Lu Bu. A valuable item message will appear. Unlike in Dynasty Warriors 4, Dong Zhuo will not retreat. The item is on the wall of the gate surrounding Dong Zhuo.

  • Minggu, 15 April 2012

    Yukimura Sanada

    Yukimura Sanada
    Yukimura Sanada lahir pada tahun 1567,ayahnya adalah Masayuki Sanada.Kakaknya Nobuyuki Sanada,dan saudara tirinya Inahime.Yukimura adalah prajurit setia hingga akhir hayatnya.Dimulai karirnya membela Kerajaan Shingen Takeda,ia melindungi tuannya di pertempuran Kawanakajima.Ketika Kenshin melakukan strategi kabutnya,Yukimura memanjat tebing untuk melindungi tuannya dari serangan musuh.Kemudian,Yukimura memimpin pasukan untuk menegepun musuh dari belakang yang membuat kemenangan bagi pasukan Takeda.

    Yukimura-sw.jpgShingen melanjutkan perjalanannya sampai ke ibukota.Ia menyerang pasukan Ieyasu yang sedang lemah.Yukimura tidak sabar memukul mundur musuh dengan cepat.Namun,Shingen menyuruh Yukimura untuk tenang dan sabar.Strategi Shingen dipatuhi Yukimura,karena strategi tersebut,Yukimura dapat membaca serangan Ninja pimpinan Hanzo Hattori yang menyerang Shingen.Pasukan Takeda dapat memukul mundur pasukan Ieyasu.

    Pertempuran dilanjutkan di Nagashino.Ieyasu melawan sekuat tenaga namun,masih dapat dihalau tentara Takeda.Ieyasu pun memanggil bantuan kepada Nobunaga.Dengan pasukan yang sangat banyak,Nobunaga datang membantu Ieyasu.Shingen memanggil hujan untuk datang.Banjir pun menenggelamkan sebagian kastil musuh.Yukimura memimpin pasukan elit Takeda untuk menyerang Ieyasu yang sedang lemah.Yukimura dapat membunuh Ieyasu dan Nobunaga melarikan diri dengan sisa pasukannya.Pasukan Takeda mengikuti Nobunaga hingga ke Yamazaki.Nobunaga dapat dikalahkan di sana.Kedamaian pun muncul bagi Shingen,namun Yukimura tetap setia melayani Shingen hingga akhir hayatnya pada 3 Juni 1615.

    Cross SpearYukimura-sw2weapon1.jpgThis is Yukimura's starting weapon.:Base Attack: 20
    Element and Stats: Random
    Length: 260 cm (8'6")
    Lunar SpearYukimura-sw2weapon2.jpg
    Base Attack: 29
    Element and Stats: Random
    Length: 270 cm (8'10")
    Crimson FangYukimura-sw2weapon3.jpg
    Base Attack: 37
    Element and Stats: Random
    Length: 290 cm (9'6")
    Dragon's TailYukimura-sw2weapon4.jpgThis is Yukimura's fourth and ultimate weapon.:Base Attack: 45
    Element: Fire
    Stats: Life +19
    Attack +35
    Defense +38
    Musou Charge +32
    Ride +18
    Length: 320 cm (10'6")

    Lu Bu

    Lu Bu's portrait
    Lu Bu adalah pejuang terkuat yang ingin selalu menguji batas kekuatannya.Ia pertama kali melayani ayah angkatnya,Dong Zhuo.Ia sering muncul melindungi gerbang di setiap benteng Dong Zhuo.Lu Bu menikah dengan Diao Chan dan mempunyai pengawal pribadi,Zhang Liao.Di pertempuran Shi Shui Gate dalam Dynasty Warriors 5,Lu Bu muncul di gerbang pertama Shi Shui Gate.Namun,Lu Bu melarikan diri,setelah Hua Xiong dikalahkan.

    Ia kembali ke hadapan Dong Zhuo di Hu Lao Gate.Tugasnya sama seperti di Shi Shui Gate,Lu Bu melindungi gerbang utama.Pasukan Yuan Shao dan sekutunya sudah gentar mendengan nama Lu Bu.Pasukan Yuan Shao bagian depan pun lari,"It's... It's Lu Bu!" kalimat yang biasa diucapkan para pasukan yang takut.Namun,munculah ke-3 bersaudara bertarung melawan Lu Bu.Zhang Fei pun menyerang duluan,karena ia kesal dengan tingkah Lu Bu.Lu Bu belum mundur.Kemudian,Guan Yu membantu saudaranya,tetapi Lu Bu belum mundur.Akhirnya,Liu Bei pun maju,Lu Bu pun melarikan diri.

    Hu Lao Gate dapat dikuasai,Dong Zhuo melarikan diri ke Shi Shui Gate.Ia bertemu Lu Bu.Karena suruhan Diao Chan,Lu Bu membunuh ayah angkatnya sendiri.Para pendukung Dong Zhuo kesal atas tingkah Lu Bu.Ia pun diusir dari Shi Shui Gate.Pergi tanpa tanah yang dikuasai,Lu Bu diminta Yuan Shao untuk membantunya melawan Gongsun Zhan di Cheng Shan.Akhirnya,rival Yuan Shao dapat dikalahkan dengan bantuan tentara Lu Bu.Tetapi,Yuan Shao mengusirnya dari Cheng Shan.

    Lu Bu Art.jpgLu Bu pun pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain.Hingga akhirnya ia tiba di Xia Pi Castle.Ia pun mendirikan kerajaan di sana.Namun,nasib buruk menimpa Lu Bu,sesudah ia dapat tanahnya sendiri,ia dikhianati Liu Bei yang kabur bersama Zhang Fei.Lu Bu pun mengejarnya,namun Liu Bei melarikan diri.Liu Bei kembali ke Xia Pi Castle bersama pasukan Cao Cao yang banyak.Para pasukan Lu Bu,sudah gentar sehingga mereka ingin menyerah,namun tekad Lu Bu untuk mengetes batas kekuatannya,membuat para tentara itu menuruti keinginannya.

    Tentara Cao Cao menyerang bendungan di Xia Pi,sehingga Xia Pi Castle tenggelam sebagian.Tentara yang sudah pasrah,membuka gerbang Xia Pi Castle.Zhang Liao,Chen Gong dan Diao Chan ditangkap.Setelah kejadian itu,tingkah Lu Bu semakin tidak karuan,ia sering mabuk hingga pingsan,dan marah tanpa sebab.Prajuritnya pun kesal atas perilaku Lu Bu,ia pun dapat ditangkap oleh prajuritnya sendiri untuk diserahkan ke Cao Cao.Lu Bu pun meninggal karena sakit di sel penjara pada tahun 199 AD.

    HalberdHalberd.jpgThis is Lu Bu's starting weapon.
    • Weapon Attack: 6
    • Number of Attacks: 4
    Great HalberdGreat Halberd.jpg
    • Weapon Attack: 12
    • Number of Attacks: 5
    Sky PiercerSky Piercer.jpg
    • Weapon Attack: 18
    • Number of Attacks: 6
    Sky ScorcherSky Scorcher.jpgThis is Lu Bu's fourth and ultimate weapon. Its stats are as follows:
    • Base Attack: 40
    • Weight: Medium
    • Horse: 20
    • Defense: 20
    • Attack: 20
    • Musou: 19
    • Life: 19
    • Number of Attacks: 6

    Sabtu, 14 April 2012

    Zhou Yu

    Zhouyu-rotk12.jpgZhou Yu adalah ahli strategi pertama Wu dan jenderal dibawah Sun Jian.Dia sahabat karibnya Sun Ce,ia pun menikah dengan Xiao Qiao sementara Sun Ce menikah dengan Da Qiao.Zhou Yu lahir pada tahun 175.Awal perjalanannya ia bergabung bersama Sun Jian melawan Dong Zhuo di Shi Shui Gate.Sepulang dari Shi Shui Gate,Zhou Yu dan Sun Ce menyerang Liu Biao dan sekutunya di Wu Teritorry.Ia datang sebagai bantuan untuk Sun Ce.

    Zhou Yu melanjutkan perjalanannya sepeninggal sahabatnya,Sun Ce.Ia menyerang Huang Zhu di Ru Xu Kou sebagai jenderal depan.Ia meneruskan impian sahabatnya untuk menciptakan kedamaian.Zhou Yu mahir dalam strategi maupun teknik pedang,ia juga mahir memainkan seruling dan kecapi cina.Di pertempuran selanjutnya,Zhou Yu memberi petunjuk kepada Sun Quan untuk menyerang armada Wei yang banyak di Sungai Chi Bi.

    Zhouyu-dw6.jpgWu bergabung dengan Shu.Taktik yang mereka pakai sangatlah jenius,pertama-tama Pang Tong yang berkhianat dari Wei melarikan diri ke Shu,dengan menghancurkan kapal bagian tengah Wei.Cao Cao pun kaget mendengar kabar ini.Kemudia,Huang Gai dengan satu kapalnya,ia berlayar menuju armada Wei dengan lemparan api dan bubuk mesiu ke arah armada utama Wei.Selanjutnya,strategi terakhir,Zhuge Liang memanggil angin utara untuk membuat api semakin besar kearah kapal Cao Cao.Kapal Cao Cao pun terbakar dan seluruh armadanya terbakar,ia melarikan diri bersama pengawalnya,Xun You dan anaknya Cao Pi melarikan diri ke He Fei Castle.Dengan kemenangan yang besar ini,Wu memulai perjalanan barunya.

    Sehabis pertempuran di Chi Bi,Zhou Yu sakit parah dan akhirnya ia meneruskan ilmu strateginya kepada Lu Meng.Zhou Yu pun meninggal di tahun 210.

    Bronze SwordZhouyu-dw5weapon1.jpgThis is Zhou Yu's starting  weapon.Weapon Attack: 3
    • Number of Attacks: 4
    Iron SwordZhouyu-dw5weapon2.jpgWeapon Attack: 7
    • Number of Attacks: 5
    Elder SwordZhouyu-dw5weapon3.jpgWeapon Attack: 11
    • Number of Attacks: 6
    Ancients SwordZhouyu-dw5weapon4.jpgThis is Zhou Yu's fourth and ultimate weapon. Its stats are as follows:Weapon Attack: 34
    Weight: Medium
    Charge +17
    Defense +15
    Musou +18
    Bow +16
    Attack +16

    • Number of Attacks: 6

    Xiahou Dun



    Xiahou Dun adalah sepupu dari Xiahou Yuan,dan "tangan kanannya" Cao Cao.Dia menemani Cao Cao dari Yellow Turban Rebellions,hingga ke Hu Lao Gate melawan Dong Zhuo.Xiahou Dun tidak suka cara memerintah Dong Zhuo,yang sangat egois dan tidak bijaksana.Di Hu Lao Gate,Xiahou Dun bertemu dengan Lu Bu,sang penjaga gerbang yang kuat.Namun,Lu Bu melarikan diri,karena dikalahkan oleh Liu Bei dan saudaranya.Cao Cao terus mengikuti Lu Bu hingga ke Xia Pi.Saat pertarungan,Xiahou Dun terkena bidikan panah di mata kirinya,namun ia tidak memperdulikannya dan tetap menyerang musuh.

    Akhirnya,Lu Bu pun berhasil ditangkap bersama Zhang Liao.Rival Xiahou Dun adalah Guan Yu,dia iri karena julukan Guan Yu "The God of War".Lanjut cerita gan,di pertempuran Guan Du,Cao Cao merekrut Guan Yu yang terpisah dari kelompok Shu.Xiahou Dun,semakin kesal karena dia ikut bertempur bersamanya.Namun,Guan Yu melarikan diri,karena melihat saudaranya,Liu Bei di Kubu Yuan Shao.Cao Cao mengingkari perjanjian Guan Yu,dan menyuruh Xiahou Dun mengejar Guan Yu yang membawa putri melarikan diri dari perilaku Cao Cao.Namun,Guan Yu berhasil melarikan diri.

    Di seluruh hidupnya Xiahou Dun selalu menyimpan perasaan iri dan dendam terhadap Guan Yu.Sehingga ia menyusul pasukan Cao Ren di fan Castle yang saat itu sedang berperang melawan pasukan Shu pimpinan Guan Yu.Di pertempuran itu,Guan Yu mati ditangan tentara Wu bersama saudara dan anak adopsinya,Zhang Fei dan Guan Ping.Semenjak itu,rival abadi Xiahou Dun telah tewas,sehingga Xiahou Dun meninggal dengan tenang di tahun berikutnya ( 220 AD ).
    ScimitarXiahoudun-dw5weapon1.jpgThis is Xiahou Dun's starting weapon.Weapon Attack: 4
    • Number of Attacks: 4
    Great SwordXiahoudun-dw5weapon2.jpgWeapon Attack: 8
    • Number of Attacks: 5
    Kirin BladeXiahoudun-dw5weapon3.jpgWeapon Attack: 12
    • Number of Attacks: 6
    Kirin FangXiahoudun-dw5weapon4.jpgThis is Xiahou Dun's fourth and ultimate weapon. Its stats are as follows:Weapon Attack: 36
    Weight: Medium
    Horse +16
    Defense +17
    Attack +17
    Musou +16
    Charge +17

    • Number of Attacks: 6

    Jumat, 13 April 2012

    Guan Yu



    Guan Yu,"The God of War" versi Dynasty Warriors dan salah satu dari "5 Jenderal Naga Shu".Dia adalah saudara dari Liu Bei dan Zhang Fei.Guan Yu memulai perjalanannya saat ia bertemu Liu Bei dan Zhang Fei di Desa Lou Sang.Kemudian Guan Yu mengikuti jejak Liu Bei bergabung dengan pasukan Han untuk melawan Yellow Turban di Ji Province.Di pertempuran yang menarik,Guan Yu dan ke-2 saudaranya,bergabung dengan pasukan Yuan Shao,Cao Cao,dan Klan Sun melawan Dong Zhuo di Si Shui Gate dan Hu Lao Gate.

    di Hu Lao Gate,Dong Zhuo mempunyai pejuang yang sangat kuat dan hebat,bernama Lu Bu.Ia bertugas menjaga gerbang.Namun,dengan kekuatan ke-3 bersaudara,Lu Bu melarikan diri.Sesudah itu,Guan Yu terpisah dari rombongan Liu Bei dan tersasar di Kubu Cao Cao.Cao Cao pun merekrutnya untuk berperang melawan pasukan Yuan Shao di Guan Du.Guan Yu pun,mengikuti ajakan Cao Cao,dengan syarat,jika ia melihat saudaranya di kubu Yuan Shao,ia akan mundur.Cao Cao pun mensetujui persyaratan Guan Yu.

    Guan Yu pun memenuhi janjinya,setelah menebas Yan Liang dan Wen Chou,ia pun melarikan diri.Cao Cao melanggar persyaratan Guan Yu,ia pun mengejar Liu Bei di Chang Ban.Saat itu,anak Liu Bei tertinggal di Kamp,namun Zhao Yun datang menyelamatkan anaknya.Di saat semakin terkejarnya Liu Bei,berturut-turut bantuan datang dari Kubu Shu,Guan Yu juga ikut menolongnya.Liu Bei pun berhasil melarikan diri bersama para rakyatnya dengan selamat.

    Singkat cerita,Liu Bei dan Zhang Fei meneruskan ekspedisinya ke Cheng Du melawan Liu Zhang.Sementara,Guan Yu ditinggal di Jing Province,untuk melindungi daerah Shu.Guan Yu,menyerang dengan pasukan yang banyak melawan tentara Wei pimpinan Cao Ren di Fan Castle.Guan Yu menyerang dengan strategi air yang menenggelamkan Fan Castle.Namun,Cao Ren memintan bantuan ke Wu,Lu Meng dan Lu Xun pun datang membawa beberapa tentara Wu.Guan Yu diserang di perjalanannya,dan ia ditusuk.Sementara anaknya,Guan Ping dibunuh oleh Yu Jin dan Niu Jin.Zhang Fei pun datang,pimpinan Shu dipegang oleh Zhang Fei.Tetapi,prajurit Zhang Fei sendiri,menusuk Zhang Fei dari belakang.Shu pun kalah,sisa-sisa pasukan Shu yang masih hidup,ada yang berkhianat ke Wu dan ada juga yang melarikan diri ke markas Liu Bei di Yi Ling.

    Crescent BladeCrescent Blade.jpgThis is Guan Yu's starting weapon.
    • Weapon Attack: 5
    • Number of Attacks: 4
    Moon BladeMoon Blade.jpg
    • Weapon Attack: 10
    • Number of Attacks: 5
    Blue DragonBlue Dragon.jpg
    • Weapon Attack: 16
    • Number of Attacks: 6
    Blue Moon DragonBlue Moon Dragon.jpgThis is Guan Yu's fourth and ultimate weapon. Its stats are as follows:
    • Weapon Attack: 38
    • Weight: Light
    • Charge Attack: 16
    • Mounted: 16
    • Defense: 17
    • Attack: 18
    • Life: 18
    • Number of Attacks: 6

    Jumat, 06 April 2012


    Orochi adalah karakter utama antagonis dalam versi Warriors Orochi dan Warriors Orochi 2,namun di versi WO2,Orochi sudah berubah menjadi Shin Orochi ( Orochi X ).Orochi sangat kuat dan hidupnya abadi dari zaman ke zaman.Sebelumnya,Orochi di tangkap oleh "The Mystics" Taigong wang,Nu Wa,dan Fu Xi.Namun,Da Ji,Dodomeki,dan Gyuki melepaskan Orochi di Gunung Wuhang.

    Orochi memutuskan untuk mengetes kekuatan pejuang dari "Tiga Negara di China" dan "Periode peperangan di Jepang".Ia menempatkan Kedua pahlawan ini di dalam dunianya.Orochi segera mengeluarkan kekuatan iblisnya untuk membuat benteng dan tentara yang banyak.Di ver.WO,Orochi dibunuh oleh pahlawan dari 2 kekuatan ini.Namun,di ver.WO2,Orochi X dibunuh oleh "The Mystics" dan 2 kekuatan ini.

    • "Entropy will always triumph!"
    • "You have not yet earned the right to face me."
    • "I do not wish to waste my time. You had better be... worth the effort."
    • "So tell me, you gonna keep on looking for someone strong enough to end you?"
    "Humanity will not surrender so easily. Perhaps the warriors strong enough to overcome me is closer than he knows."
                ~~Keiji Maeda and Orochi; Warriors Orochi 2

    SickleOrochi-weapon1.jpgThis is Orochi's starting   weapon.
    Base Attack: 12
    Element and Stats: Random
    Life DrainerOrochi-weapon2.jpg
    Base Attack: 24
    Element and Stats: Random
    Spirit ReaperOrochi-weapon3.jpg
    Base Attack: 48
    Element and Stats: Random
    Eternal AgonyOrochi-weapon4.jpgThis is Orochi's fourth and ultimate weapon.
    Base Attack: 97
    Element and Stats: Random